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Salvaging Syrian Artifacts from the Idlib Museum


Shaker Al Shbib, Raphaela Heitmann

The conflict in Syria, which has been ongoing for more than seven years, has destroyed many lives and much cultural property. The biggest looser is, of course, the Syrian people, who have suffered oppression and experienced enormous cultural losses related to their past and present. Thousands of Syrians have been killed, thousands more have been arrested and millions have been displaced. In addition, houses, villages and towns have been destroyed and this destruction has reached archaeological sites, historic buildings and museums with priceless collections and master pieces of ancient art.

Shaker Al Shbib 1

Raphaela Heitmann 2

1 Shaker Al Shbib, Doctor in Archaeology from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne; former Director of the Excavations and Archaeological Research in the Idlib Region; SIMAT Founding Member and Director of Programs.

2 Raphaela Heitmann is a Near Eastern archaeologist, who is research associate of the non-profit association SIMAT-Syrians for Heritage since May 2018.


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