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Nazi Looted Art Commissions After the 1998 Washington Conference: Comparing the European and American Experiences

DOI https://doi.org/10.15542/KUR/2013/3-4/2

David J. Rowland

While the United States took a leading role in organizing the Washington and Prague conferences, the question recently came up at the Hague Symposium on Nazi Looted Art as to whether the US is doing enough at home to facilitate the resolution of Nazi-Looted-Art cases. In response to the Washington and Prague conferences, which call for signatory countries to implement the Washington Conference principles in order to reach fair and just resolutions in Nazi looted art cases, various countries in Europe have set up art commissions. However, instead the United States has so far declined to set up a US art commission based on the premise that US museums are mostly private. This paper compares the European and American experience in implementing the Washington Conference principles.


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